I Am Really Itchy Lately? What Do You All Do About It?
The itch
I itch all over bottom of legs and feet, don’t know if it is dry skin or pbc. Very cold and windy every day in upstate ny
Did your GI dr prescribe livedelzi or did your pcp? I am going to wait a few days to see if it subsides and will go from there. Usually acts up now and then. Mostly on my legs and scalp. I take Claritin and use calamine lotion. do you have any reactions from this product?
I take livedelzi 10mg with my ursodiol daily no more itching dry legs and arms yes I apply moisturizer daily by remedy.i don't take any over the counter products
The itching is awful. Mine is much better since being on Urso, and my liver enzymes have come down, but it's still uncomfortable at times. I do take one Zyrtec daily, which I think helps a little. My allergist said I can take up to 4 Zyrtec per day, which would probably help, but I also have Sjogrens, so any antihistamines dries me out even more and make the Sjogrens symptoms worse. Sometimes my skin is so sensitive. I can't stand a drop of water on my face or one of my cat's hairs on my skin - it drives me crazy! My feet have gotten so dry, sore & itchy. My dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream for my feet, but said to use it very sparingly because of the PBC - it could affect the liver.
even before I was diagnosed with PBC I had terrible itching on my hands and feet. My Dermatologist recommended that I take 2 Allegra every day saying it would not hurt me (and my liver specialist knows this as well, we discussed it yesterday) and the Dermatologist had also given me creams that I put on my hands and/or feet only when I get "extra" itchy. That seems to work rather well, but I am not looking forward to mosquito season. I have a very low tolerance now to mosquito bites and have tried a million things to stop them with little success.
I Have PBC Can PPI's Cause This
Does Anyone Else Have Horrendous Scalp Itching?
What Do You All Take For Fatigue? I Have HBP So Have To Be Careful What I Do Take. Just Wondering As I Want To Ask My Dr. About It. Thank