What Do You All Take For Fatigue? I Have HBP So Have To Be Careful What I Do Take. Just Wondering As I Want To Ask My Dr. About It. Thank
I drink a cup or two of coffee every morning. I can't say it really makes a difference. Some days I just have to push through to get things done. Now that I'm retired and can manage my own schedule, I don't schedule anything early in the morning and try not to schedule more than one thinga day. A couple of times a week I try to leave the schedule open to rest/sleep as desired.
I have also relocated to an area where this is not only possible but the norm. The climate and hours of sunlight every day don't change much.
All of this has made me feel better but fatigue is a constant companion.
Lucky you tobe able to move to a climate that stays the same and more daylight. I live in Maine so in the winter the days are very short Consider yourself fortunate Good luck with this crazy PBC world. We all need it
I take caffeine pills but I don't drink coffee, so that way I'm not overloaded on caffeine. They help some, but not enough. I'm always tired.
Is Anyone Taking Ocaliva Along With Ursodiol? My Current Gastroenterologist Wants Me To Add This As My ALP Is Rising Slightly.
What Do You All Take For The Fatigue. Seems To Be Getting Worse On Certain Days.
Does Anyone Ever Feel That People Just Don’t Understand How You’re Feeling When Fatigued And Have To Decline On Invitations Because Of It?