MRI Showed Cirrhosis And F/u AMA Confirms PBC. Is It Unusual For Fibrometer Test To Come Back Completely Clear? Doc Now Ordering A Biopsy.
My liver numbers have always been pretty good except regular elevated ALT. Cirrhosis is new since mri 2 years ago. Strange stuff!
It’s not unusual for a FibroScan or similar elastography test to show no significant fibrosis while other tests, like MRI or biopsy, reveal cirrhosis. FibroScan measures liver stiffness, but it may… read more
When Does The Fatigue Get Better?
Fatigue related to PBC can be persistent and challenging to manage. While treatments for PBC itself, like ursodeoxycholic acid or liver transplants, don't directly alleviate fatigue, there are… read more
Are High Immature Granlocytes Common With Primary Billary Cholangitis..please And Thank You
What’s One Thing About Primary Biliary Cholangitis That People Rarely Discuss But Should?
I totally understand what everyone is going through. I am 70 years old from South Florida. I have been diagnosed for 6 years already. I have cirrhosis, portal vein hypertension, enlarged liver and… read more
Bei PBC Sollte Man Da Kein Schweinefleisch Essen?
Ja, bei PBC sollte man Schweinefleisch vermeiden, insbesondere verarbeitetes Fleisch wie Speck und Wurst. Diese enthalten oft viel Natrium und gesättigte Fette, die Entzündungen fördern, den… read more
Did Anyone Had A High Reading On Fiberscan An Ur Specialist Wanted To Do A Liver Biopsy
Yes, my scans appeared to show greater disease progression than my biopsy findings. This was my second biopsy. I know, a biopsy seems really scary but it's not as bad as it sounds. I'd rather know, as… read more
Anyone Taking Milk Thistle Approved By Your Doctor? If So How Much Do You Take? Has It Made A Difference?
I started Milk thistle when I was put on Urso, 250 mg twice a day for years. It’s the only herbal that the FDA recommends.
Should Those With PBC (and Likely Additional Auto Immune Diseases) Get Flu Or Covid (or Other) Vaccines? Seems Differing Thoughts
My hepatologist insists that I keep up with all vaccines. I have had every COVID vaccine available and get a yearly flu shot. I have also gotten hepatitis A and B vaccines plus the shingles, pneumonia… read more
Is Taking Bile Salts Helpful For PBC
Yes, taking bile salts can be helpful for managing Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC). Doctors typically prescribe bile acids to treat PBC because they help improve liver function. The U.S. Food and… read more
My Liver Biopsy Says Stage 4. Anyone In Stage 4? For How Long? I Have NO Symptoms Of Stage 4. What Are You Experiencing? Thank You...
Hi Linda, I had an ultra sound with elasticity done a few weeks ago and the results showed stage 4/Cirrhosis, which Not only shocked me but scared me too. I too have NO symptoms, THANK GOD! My… read more