Does Anyone Ever Feel That People Just Don’t Understand How You’re Feeling When Fatigued And Have To Decline On Invitations Because Of It?
I have a similar situation, my daughter actually called me lazy which hurt a lot! I have never been lazy my entire life but when fatigue hits I listen and do not try to push through it.
I totally relate to your question. It's the reason I just joined this network.
All the time! They tell me to go to bed early and I explain it is a gut wrenching fatigue that feels like life has been drained from me. Sleeping doesn't help!
That’s great they understand.
It my daughter that just doesn’t which bothers me the most. I feel as if she thinks I’m a hypochondriac but we know as sufferers it’s real We do not like feeling this way.
Yes family especially have no idea what is going on, even though my husband goes to my appt. with me. That is why I am on here for moral support and to chat about this crazy disease
Do You Often Feel Like You Are Fighting A Bug And Starting To Get Sick?
How Does The Pain EVER Go Away In Your Bones? Meds, Creams, Patches DO NOT HELP THE BONES!!