Does Anyone Else Have Horrendous Scalp Itching?
I have the same thing, my legs are all scared up, so embarrassed. On my face too.
my scalp itches and now i have small sores that hurt on my head. I can also see cholesterol in my skin, on my arms and feet., tiny balls of fat. it itches and i now have sores on my feet and arms. It sucks. my legs have many red colored scars.
Thank you for asking that question!! I never realized that the itching on my scalp could be due to something!!! I attributed all of my symptoms to dry skin.
Oops I was on the wrong question LoL, my itching is horrible on my legs, I've never had any itching on scalp, I can't take the medicine they gave me as I kept vomiting
Recent Vomiting And Sudden Diarrhea.. Normal? Seek Medical Attention?
My Skin Itches But Mostly It Is My Scalp...even 1 Day After I Shampoo And I Take Calciprotein (spelling?) And Put It On Right After Rinsing
My Itching Is Mostly On My Scalp...I Use Calciprotein (spelling?) On My Scalp And It Helps For About A Day And Then The Itching Starts Again