This Is Not A Question But Just A Statement. I Do Find That If I Get Up And Move Around Everyday It Helps With The Fatigue.
It is when you stop and sit around all day long when you feel like crap and have not energy. so I would suggest to you all if you can stay active
Yes mam that’s the secret to fighting through the fatigue. Pacing yourself also helps. You’ll find a new Normal as you work through all this. It’s takes time. After 30 yrs I’ve do this over and over through stressful times. I just put my Mom in Hospice and I’ve hit a wall again. Stress is difficult fighting through.
God Bless ya 🥰
I agree with that!
Yes..Stay active!
Yes I agree you gotta keep moving.
How Do You Deal With The Mental Load Of Your Health Care?
My Question Is If My Numbers Are Good And Normal But My M2 Antibodies Are 167 And I Have No Symptoms So This Must Mean My Bile Is Fine ….