What if any of you on here have a special diet that you follow? If so, what do you avoid for foods. Also do any of you have any insight on the cleansing of the bile ducts that effect this PBC?
I try to stay away from processed foods, sugar, beef and pork. I don't drink, I never cared for alcohol. I try to eat whole grains, fruits,vegetables,legumes,nuts, some salmon and chicken. I try to drink a lot of water. I feel better when I eat better.
I'm not on a special diet just chosing lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies( what the dietician said) Should avoid processed foods. On occasion I do have lunchmeat.
Oh wait! It's called the Mediterranean Diet!
My hepatologist recommended the Mediterranean diet, to avoid beef, processed foods, lunch meats, sugars etc. He also advised not to gain weight. I’m recently diagnosed and am trying to make healthier food choices.
My diet as well I bake my muffins and pastries. Read your labels
Amanda I agree. I do find an improvement in my overall tests!
Diet Information
What Is The Recommended Diet?
What Does A Good Diet Gor Pbc Consist Of..losing Weight 🤔