What's A Common Misconception About Primary Biliary Cholangitis?
That you look fine. That it can’t be serious
As soon as you tell people you have an autoimmune liver disease, the most common response is “alcohol abuse”. Most people with PBC either don’t drink or drink in moderation.
It is quite prevalent for doctors to misdiagnose or based on symptoms to make assumptions. This is sad and incomprehensible for those of us that literally put our lives in their hands. They are more concerned about the financial management of their practice than upgrading their knowledge and medical skills. We need to be proactive in all PBC medical assessments and PBC decisions made. I am fed up with incompetent doctors! We need to write our questions before we go to our appointments and keep a journal.
That you'll have more energy if you go to bed earlier. And that medication will make you better.
Also, I have someone who tells me it's because of what I eat that caused it. I haven't seen anything that says that is a cause of PCB.
Are High Immature Granlocytes Common With Primary Billary Cholangitis..please And Thank You
I Have Never Seen Any Info About PCB Other Than It Is Genetic, Bile Duct Eroding And It Makes You Tired. What Else? What Symptoms Please.
Since Being Diagnosed With PBC..I Have A Big Belly..does Anyone Else Have This..thank You