Anyone Have Success Stories With Supplements? Omega-3? Milk Thistle? Probiotics? Have Docs Discouraged Supplements Like They Have With Me?
My hepatologist said Omega 3 is okay. We need to be careful with supplements. I used to take MCT oil in my morning latte but my hepatologist said MCT oil slows bile down, which is the opposite of what Urso is designed to do
My internal medicine doctor told me to stop taking all supplements when I first met him. For example, he said vitamin E is toxic. My liver numbers came down just from stopping all supplements. He referred me to a hepatologist/
gastroenterologist who I run all vitamins past for approval before I start taking them.
I took milk thistle religiously 3 x day for months and saw no improvement in blood tests.
My hepatologist has me on Vitamin A A couple of vitamin Ds. B12 fosomax once a week. He only wants me taking what he prescribed. Has me do blood work every week to check levels
(Copied/Pasted from link posted above)
Because toxicity associated with vitamin E administration is rare, ther- apy with vitamin E should be considered in all patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Deficiencies of vit. amins A, D and K are well docu- mented in patients suffering from primary biliary cirrho- sis (PBC).
What Prescription Or Meds Do You Take For PBC? Would Like To Compare. Anyone Take Milk Thisle?
I Am Currently On Urso. Is It Ok To Start Milk Thistle And Dandelion Supplements?
Has Anyone Been Told Not To Take Fish Oil Or Omega Three In Their Multi Vitamins With Having PBC?